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Title: 偶然
(Last Song in Paris)
Director: 楚原 Publisher: N/A
Released Time: Year 1986 Rating: 61.7%
Cast: 梅艳芳
Total Vote: 19
红 歌 星 ( 张 国 荣 ) 演 唱 会 後 遇 其 伴 舞 艺 员 ( 梅 艳 芳 ) 一 夜 风 流 帐 待 清 。 公 路 上 斗 车 遇 父 亲 女 友 ( 王 祖 贤 ) 堕 入 爱 情 陷 阱 , 难 自 拨 。 当 终 於 知 道 王 是 父 亲 的 女 友 後 , 张 愤 而 出 走 , 流 浪 、 落 泊 巴 黎 街 头 遇 越 南 难 民 ( 叶 童 ) , 共 同 患 难 中 生 真 情 。 叶 因 曾 中 弹 而 生 命 不 保 , 梅 为 寻 张 而 走 遍 欧 洲 , 当 梅 终 於 找 到 张 , 发 现 原 来 同 张 已 不 可 有 结 果 , 带 着 张 为 叶 而 作 的 歌 返 港 , 同 时 也 希 望 张 能 回 到 爱 他 的 人 和 歌 迷 中 来 。
Classic Movie Clips
ID Clip Image Description Video Length
1 Louie is a super star and he performed his first concert at the Hong Kong Coliseum. The opening song is "第一次". x 2:29
2 Louie had one-night stand with Anita, his dancer. On the way to airport to pick up his dad, Louie met Julia and fall in love on the first sight. x 2:11
3 Anita went for the singing interview, but failed poorly. Louie promised that he can help her to get into the entertainment industry because he has confident in her. x 2:02
4 Louie continue to perform for the second night, he brought audience to the peak with "Monica", "风继续吹", "H2O". Then he surprisingly announced that the VIP guest of the night, Anita. x 6:57
5 He met Julia again on the way back and he invited Julia to dinner. Louie sings the song "可人儿" while playing guitar. x 3:27
6 Louie was disappointed to find out Julia is his father's lover and he decided to go to Paris, he soon has no money left and sleep on street. Yuk Si saved him and Louie fall in love with her later... x 4:34
7 Yuk Si had Louie's baby and they urgently need money. Leslie took up as a street artist for living. When he was singing "风继续吹", Anita came along... x 5:31
8 Louie was very glad for Anita's help and her kindness. Yuk Si ask Anita to promise her to take care of Louie because she knew the time has come... x 5:59
9 Yuk Si past away, Louie went to the lowest point in his life. He composed the "Last song in Paris" for remembering his wife. x 3:31
10 Anita held her first concert in Hong Kong and sing the song that Louie composed for Yuk Si. Louie suddenly appears on stage...难忘深紫色... x 7:50


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