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Title: 倩女幽魂
(A Chinese Ghost Story)
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Director: 程小東 Publisher: 新藝城
Released Time: Year 1987 Rating: 84.8%
Cast: 王祖賢
Total Vote: 74
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小 倩 ( 王 祖 賢 飾 ) 本 性 善 良 , 但 被 逼 以 美 色 引 誘 精 壯 男 子 , 供 樹 精 姥 姥 吸 取 陽 氣 。 書 生 寧 釆 臣 ( 張 國 榮 飾 ) 荒 山 迷 路 , 被 小 倩 琴 音 吸 引 , 兩 人 邂 逅 於 湖 亭 。 小 倩 見 寧 心 地 善 良 , 不 忍 加 害 , 但 寧 對 她 情 心 一 片 , 令 她 左 右 為 難 。

道 士 燕 赤 霞 勸 寧 人 鬼 殊 途 , 勿 迷 戀 女 鬼 , 但 被 倩 、 寧 真 情 感 動 , 決 助 二 人 脫 離 魔 掌 。 姥 姥 發 現 倩 生 異 心 , 逼 她 下 嫁 鬼 王 。 寧 、 燕 硬 闖 冥 府 , 幾 經 艱 苦 把 小 倩 骨 灰 奪 回 , 讓 她 投 胎 轉 世 , 無 奈 有 情 人 輪 迴 相 隔 , 難 續 前 緣 。

This sequel to A Chinese Ghost Story picks up where the last one left off. Ning (Leslie Cheung), the hero of the first film, is thrown in jail in a case of mistaken identity. He is befriended by wise scholar and fellow prisoner Elder Chu, who helps him escape. Once free, he runs into a ghostbusting Taoist Monk named Autumn (Jacky Cheung), and a band of revolutionaries led by sisters Windy (Joey Wong) and Moon (Michelle Reis). Windy is the spitting image of Ning's ghostly love from the last film. What's more, the revolutionaries mistake Ning for Elder Chu. The group is planning to rescue the sisters' father, Lord Fu, who is being unjustly held captive by imperial forces. Following a humorous scene involving a ten foot walking corpse and a miscast freeze spell, the band runs into Lord Hu (Waise Lee), the imperial officer who is holding Lord Fu prisoner. After much sound and fury, the imperial high priest arrives to settle things down. However, that high-pitched voice means he's up to no good, and it turns out that he and his demonic lackeys are the true source of all the trouble in the empire. Ning and Windy manage to find Swordsman Yen (Wu Ma), the irascible monk from the first film, and together they join the rest of the heroes in a final, spectacular confrontation with the sinister high priest.
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